Friday, April 24, 2020

King Tut's car GPS's leather case

Some time ago I've made a simple slip case for my car GPS to be able to store it when it's too hot or too cold in the car. I managed to lose this sleeve so I had to make another one.

What could I use to keep it shut? Any kind of button, maybe the bag magnets I've got laying around?
But hey, the back of the GPS has 2 strong mangets to keep it on its windshield holder.

Which coin of mine is magnetic? The Indian Tiger? Oh, the One Pound from Egypt wouuld be perfect!

Evening work with a wannabe ipod+inEars case - after sewing the sides while positioning the coin.

Punched a hole into the front and sewed the coin, edges still rough

Edges nice and smooth

I haven't found a good way to dye the leather and I'm not sure if I want to add a line to the edge of the top.
Maybe I'll just leave it as it is and let it age. Most of the time it will lay in the car empty, we'll see how it will stand against the heat and the cold :)

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